Viser 1 til 5 av 5 artikler.
- AN slaktes i kvinnerapport: – Pinlig8.3.2023
Likestillingssenteret KUN i Steigen har vurdert likestillingen i Avisa Nordland.
- Meeting project in Croatia, Rijeka 15. -16. January 202316.1.2023
KUN Centre for Equality and Diversity participated in the meeting for the project “Healthy relationships”.
- Meeting for the SafeNet project in Heraklion, Crete1.11.2022
The Greek-Norwegian collaboration project “SAFE-NET: Creating a Safety Net for girls’ victims of Online Violence” (2021-2023) aims to create a security network to address online violence against women and girls.
- A new intervention to tackle cyber violence against girls1.8.2021
A new intervention to tackle cyber violence against girls and women has been launched, aiming at a sustainable and effective response by frontline professionals and their family members.
- 2-day workshop on the topic “Sexual health education on the example of Norway” 17.-18. January 202118.1.2021
The purpose of the 2-days workshop was to show different exercises, approaches, and practical ways of how one can work with different themes within the topic of sexual education.