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Internasjonale prosjekter

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MyMamy campaign: 16 Days of activism against gender-based violence (2024)


The project is funded by the EEA and Norway Grants and will promote cooperation between Slovakia and Norway in the field of gender equality and work related to human rights.
Dette bildet viser en gruppe mennesker samlet i et rom med en presentasjon på en skjerm som viser teksten "MyMamy." Folk ser ut til å delta i en slags workshop eller møte. Rommet har et uformelt oppsett, med stoler, bord med mat og papir, og det er interaksjon mellom deltakerne.
Foto: Susanne Morales Ree

Healthy relationships


​Project “Healthy Relationships" focuses on the problem of lacking content in the field of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in school curricula and insufficient recognition of its importance.

INTERNASJONAL Gender equality at local level


​The Cávado + Igual project is an Open Call#5 – Intervention projects to promote gender equality at local level, within the scope of the Work-life Balance Programme and funded by EEA Grants.
Animert bilde av ett stort bygg og to små bygg, med masse mennesker i og rundt byggene. Det er gress og trær på bildet. Bildet har teksten "Project Cávado + Equal", og logoene til samarbeidspartnerne i prosjektet.

SAFE-NET: Creating a Safety Net for girls victims of online violence


The Greek-Norwegian collaboration project “SAFE-NET: Creating a Safety Net for girls’ victims of Online Violence” (2021-2023) aims to create a security network to address online violence against women and girls.

Empowering Roma women


I Have a Dream project aims to evaluate, implement and disseminate with the support of its Norwegian partners (the Norwegian advocacy organisation KUN - Centre for Equality and Diversity, which has extensive experience in empowering vulnerable social groups, committed to the cause of women's and minorities' rights) new methods of empowering Roma women and girls through direct advocacy that empowers them and allows them to organize and defend their interests before local and central authorities.
Bilde av et fargerikt sjal hvor teksten "Romkvinners situasjon i Norge og Bulgaria" ligger over bildet.

Strengthening Human Rights Advocacy for Imprisoned Women


​This project is dedicated to enhancing the protection of female prisoners' human rights and bolstering awareness among decision makers. It is a joint effort between civil sector organizations from Croatia and Norway, with the goal of fostering better advocacy practices and networks to understand the unique challenges faced by women entangled in the legal system.

New Masculinities in the Nordics


Prosjektet undersøker menns oppfatninger av likestillingstiltak og mangfoldspraksis på nordiske arbeidsplasser. Gjennom intervjuer utvikles innsikt som skal styrke opplæringsmateriell og fremme dialog. Målet er å skape mer inkluderende arbeidsplasser og øke menns engasjement i likestillingsarbeid. Prosjektet gjennomføres i samarbeid med partnere fra Norge, Sverige, Danmark og Estland.
En hånd holder et par brune, slitte herresko med rødt fôr. Bakgrunnen er ensfarget hvit, og personen har på seg en hvit skjorte med små sorte mønstre på mansjettene.
Foto: Bilde av NordWood Themes på Unsplash

SOS (Speak Out Safely): Sexual harassment awareness, prevention, and response at work


Speak Out Safely (SOS) is a project focused on raising awareness, preventing, and responding to sexual harassment in the workplace. Through this intiative we aim to create an online course that provides adults—especially those in high-risk professions—with knowledge and tools to create safer, more inclusive work environments and free from sexual harassment.
Foto: Charlesdeluvio I Unsplash

Research and Needs Analysis of Slovak Teachers in Gender Equality and Gender-Based Violence Prevention


The results from this project will directly inform the creation of innovative educational tools and interventions that can be used to support Slovak high-school teachers in their daily efforts to foster gender equality and prevent violence. Ultimately, this initiative aims to empower educators with the knowledge and resources they need to create more inclusive and safe learning environments for their students.
Bildet viser en koalabjørn med rosa briller og gul ryggsekk, som holder en stor gul blyant. På bilde er det også tekst hvor det står: "Bilateral initiative. Research and needs analysis of slovak teachers gender equality and gender-based violence prevention"